The Story of Henry

Dear Owen,
When you were 20 months old, we welcomed your brother, Henry, into the world. When you were five and a half, we said goodbye to him. I want to give you Henry's story. I will share pictures, tell stories, and hope to help you remember your brother. You were an amazing brother to Henry. He was very lucky to have you.
Since his death, you have been asking a lot of questions about Henry, about his birth defect, about his cancer, and about his death. You have such an inquisitive mind. The other day, you asked me to write in a notebook Henry's story. If I missed a piece, you would want me to go back and write it again. I hope that this helps you understand as you grow up. I hope it helps you remember your brother.
I also want you to know how much you've helped me and dad through this time. Someday, I hope you truly understand how you helped us survive. You are an amazing kid, and I hope you will treasure this story. Henry was a remarkable kid, I think he took after you.
So, here is Henry's story. It may not always be in order, it may not answer all your questions, but hopefully it will provide you a place to always look and remember.
I love you,

 These were taken May 27th, 2013. Two days before your 5th birthday. Five days before Henry developed a rash, and our world got turned upside down.

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