February 12, 2013

Henry turned three on February 9th, 2013. While this was a very special day, even more exciting was on February 12th, the took his last dose of chemotherapy. We were done... he survived, and thrived. On his birthday we had a small party at our house.
For the end of chemo, we had a big party at Munchkin Playland. Family and friends surrounded us as we celebrated the end of two very long years.

Two years of chemo. While the risk of relapse (or his cancer returning) was still pretty high, we were so happy to be done! He still needed his daily shots to prevent blood clots, and he continued on IV medication every four weeks to help prevent pneumonia while his bone marrow was recovering. We planned on going into clinic monthly for labs. We continued with speech therapy. Henry still needed lots of medical care, but, the day he took his last dose of chemotherapy was a very happy day.

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