Home and hospital, we tried to stay funny.

 On your third birthday, I woke up in the hospital with Henry. During the night, he had ripped out his central line (or Hickman). It was a very stressful morning.  Dad was at home with you. We arranged to have Henry's chemo pal Christina be with Henry, so we could celebrate your birthday at home. You wanted a chocolate cake, with chocolate frosting with M&Ms on top. While we were home celebrating with you, we got a call that Henry was getting really sick with a fever. Dad and I wanted to be in two places at once; at the hospital with Henry, but at home, celebrating you.

When it was time for the cake, you quickly blew out your candles, and grabbed a fork. You dug right in. You didn't wait for a piece to be cut, you just started eating. Grandma, Grandpa, BobBob and Mimi were all with us, we all started to laugh. We all grabbed our forks and followed your lead. That is the great thing about you through everything, you could always make us laugh. You have a great way of keeping our hearts smiling, even when they want to cry.

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