March 31, 2013. No more port

While Henry had his port in (or central line) he had to have daily shots to prevent blood clots. This added a lot of risk to him. Since he was doing so well, the doctors decided we should take the port out. Normally, kids keep their central lines for six months after they finish chemo, but for Henry we all decided that we would take his out after two months.
We took him to the hospital for the simple surgery. We asked if you wanted to go to Mimi's house during the surgery, but you insisted on coming.
 I'm so glad you were there. I think you helped make Henry feel better.
 He was pretty excited to get his port out.

 You helped walk him to surgery.
 After surgery, he was HUNGRY! He couldn't eat before surgery, so he happily chugged some chocolate milk and ate yogurt covered pretzels when he woke up.
 With his port out, we could stop the daily shots, which made him very happy.

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